MINDful Living: 6 Weeks To Better Brain Health Habits
What is the MINDful Living program?
This comprehensive online program blends science-backed dietary strategies with lifestyle practices to support brain health and longevity. Built around the MIND Diet, the program includes:
Expert-Led Education to protect your brain against cognitive decline: Learn the science behind brain health and the MIND Diet.
Flexible Meal Plans and recipe creation: Learn how to put together a brain healthy diet, one plate at a time based on foods you like to eat.
Lifestyle Tips: Strategies for incorporating the key lifestyle pillars of brain health for optimal neuroprotection
Exclusive Support: Join a community of like-minded individuals with ongoing guidance from brain health experts.
Who Is This Program For?
Our participants come from all walks of life, including caregivers, healthcare professionals, individuals impacted by neurodegenerative diseases, and those simply looking to optimize their brain health. This program is open to all and is designed to offer hope and empowerment by turning fear into actionable steps. It’s ideal for anyone who wants to enhance brain health and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, regardless of their background or experience.
Why Choose MINDful Living?
Your brain is your most valuable asset, - there are so many things within our control to help it age optimally. Invest in it today to ensure a brighter, healthier future. With practical tips, expert knowledge, and unwavering support, MINDful Living makes brain health achievable and enjoyable.
If you cant make it to all of the sessions, don’t worry! We will record each live session and provide recordings to all participants.
Yes! We encourage family members to join in the journey and be part of your support network.
Yes! We walk you through how to eat well and work around any dietary limitations you may have.

This comprehensive online program blends science-backed nutrition strategies with lifestyle practices to support brain health and longevity. Built around the MIND diet, the program includes:
About the Program Leaders
Jennifer Ventrelle, MS, RDN
Jennifer Ventrelle, MS, RDN is a registered dietitian nutritionist certified in adult weight management, a certified personal trainer, and a mindfulness meditation teacher with over 20 years of experience in the departments of Preventive Medicine and Clinical Nutrition at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. As the Lead Dietitian on Dr. Morris’ MIND Diet Trial to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease and co-director of the interventions for the U.S. POINTER Study, Jennifer has been at the forefront of the largest investigations exploring the impact of lifestyle on cognitive decline in the U.S. Jennifer is the founder of CHOICE Nutrition and Wellness, LLC, partnering with individuals and organizations interested in integrative wellness and mindful healthy living.
Laura Morris, CPT
Laura Morris is a professionally trained chef, certified personal trainer, and certified nutrition consultant. She is co-author of two books on nutrition and brain health; Diet for the MIND written with Dr. Martha Clare Morris, and The Official MIND Diet, written with Jennifer Ventrelle. She coaches her clients on ways to incorporate healthy living through diet and exercise into their existing lifestyle and leads cooking classes on the MIND diet foods to inspire people to love not only cooking delicious food, but the process of all things nourishment.